Cleanse & Charge Kit
The perfect cleanse and charge kit containing one small Sage smudge stick, one piece of Palo Santo wood and one small Selenite one. Each piece has its own unique cleansing properties and can be used altogether or separately as desired.
Suggested use:
Set an intention for the cleanse, whether that be to remove negativity or enhance your connection. Pick which ever cleanser you are more drawn to at the time. Within a safe space, light and allow the flame to naturally extinguish, then using the back of your hand or a feather, gently move the smoke over/ around what you are trying to cleanse. If you feel comfortable, repeat your intention as you move around (this can be done in your head or out loud). If choosing to cleanse your body allow the smoke to cross all sides of your body, from bottom to top. If cleansing a space, room or house, make sure you walk the border of the area, ensuring the smoke reaches behind doors and around window. Once you're finished, seal with a moment of gratitude, then fully extingish the palo or sage.Allow to cool completely before storing.